Clown is a sacred and spiritual journey to a deeper connection to yourself and to the world around you. It requires great honesty and vulnerability, but once mastered is a powerful tool for transformation. Whether you want to perform as a true clown, use clowning in your own self-development, or harness its power to help others, clowning offers a lifetime of exploration, revelation and deep, deep connection.
Why Clown? Why Now?
In this tech oriented world people are feeling increasingly isolated. Clowning brings us into a state of deep connection with the human and non-human.
We seek meaning and find it lacking in most walks of life.
Clowning connects us back to the present moment, and reminds us of our power as creators of our own reality.
We are surrounded by a swirl of negative news, real and potential disasters. Clowning allows us to bring lightness and playfulness to humanity's darkest moments.
Much communication in the world is based on lies, generalizations and exaggerations. Clowning demands we confront and speak the truth, however painful.
Mainstream culture tells us our creative desires are unimportant, strange or even wrong. Clowning allows us to access to our deepest creative selves and to honor who we are.
Our lives are governed by shame, anxiety and fear. Once we learn to stand in our shit, we can find delight and fun in sharing it with others, transforming the toxicity into nourishing food for our souls.
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